A Mind That Suits What doesn't kill me, makes me laugh... usually.

Thursday, October 16, 2003 :::
The important thing for today is very far separated, and yet intimately connected to daily concerns, so we will skip past the lighter stuff really quickly...

Only negative comment: The indispensible Wall Street Journal today highlights the way in which Brazil's ultra lefty President, known to one and all simply as Lula, has turned on the Greens who supported him and is hellbent on developing the Amazon basin. A tragic pity, perhaps, but let us here vow always to remember that socialists, far more than capitalists, have a far, far worse record on the environment. In 1990, shortly after the great revolutions of 1989, A Mind That Suits found himself stuck on a train for several hours inhaling the air from a town in what was then called the German Democratic Republic. You could see the air about 10 feet from the train, and if this writer dies of lung cancer, it will be because of those two hours.

The Cubs are not going to the series. A Mind That Suits is not much of a baseball fan, but still less is he a fan of people who cannot see things in perspective. He is a HUGE fan of sports; he even contacts professional athletes in other countries via e-mail and meets them when he travels to their homelands. But let's get serious here: a baseball team that gives up 8 runs in one inning in a championship series game is not worthy of the World Series. Period. True, that fan did one really stupid thing, but the ball did not really look like it was going into the player's hand anyway. And then what would have happened in the NEXT inning. The same series of batters and the same pitcher would have been up. Wait 'til next year.

In happy notes, friend Tom sent some of his paintings via internet. Wow. They were wonderful--he does portraits,a nd has a real knack for catching people. And frind Xavier, from Xavier+ over at the right, sends along wonderful thoughts for today, whose most important event is...

The 25th Anniversary of the election of Karol Wojtyla to the Chair of Saint Peter. I had something all written out in my head, but must now go to class. I will try to get it in before we head off to a departmental lunch.

Have a good one.

::: posted by A Mind That Suits at 9:16 AM



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